Solutions to your basic doubts on home buying

Home Buying

Buying a home includes multiple facets and understanding of them all is necessary to make the experience less tangled. The blog is an insight into the frequent doubts that the homebuyers have. If you are ready to get on the property ladder, then a quick reading to the usual concerns below may help decide better on the significant investment.

  • How much can I borrow on a mortgage
  • How long does it take to buy a house in the UK?
  • What salary do you need to buy a 400k house?
  • How long does it take to buy a house with no chain?

How long does it take to buy a house in the UK?

The complete process takes a minimum of 18 days …………………….to maximum of 40 days.

Factors that affect the duration of the process when someone buys a home –

  • The individual circumstances of the applicant are always dominating. Financial conditions of the buyers are different; if some have credit score issues, then the other may have a good score but low credit rating. The final deal is the reflection of the conditions of the personal finances of the buyer.
  • On the part of the mortgage, the conditions may change in the case of a pre-approved mortgage. The initial acceptance of the funds may face denial after the proper financial scrutiny later. The applicant may fail to qualify for the amount that he was approved in the pre-approval. It increases the duration of the process.
  • Current circumstances matter a lot. Covid-19 is the latest example of it. Some areas are prone to coronavirus, and that may make the buyer change his desired location. Search for the new house and working on the most part and mortgage eligibility can also affect the time factor.

The above conditions can dominate the length of the time easily. While buying the house, stay aware of these factors to play safe, and complete the purchase faster.

What salary do you need to buy a 400k house?

Well, this question drives attention to the need for the mortgage because practically, it is difficult to save such a significant amount. According to the latest lending terms and conditions, one can borrow 4 to 5 times of his/her salary as the mortgage. 5% to 10% of the total property value goes for down payments.

Now it should be simpler for you to calculate the amount five times your salary and see if that is in harmony with the affordability or not.  Do not forget that only a specific earning status is not sufficient; the income-outgoing ratio should also be in good health. Perhaps there is no need to explain that 70:30 or minimum 60:40 is the idol limit.

How long does it take to buy a house with no chain?

A house with no chain is the property by a seller who did not sell the house to buy a new one. Practically such houses are easy to buy. The procedure is the same as any other home buying process that usually completes in a maximum of 40 days.

It is always less complicated and also advisable to buy a house with no chain. The properties with chain keep the seller confused about the final price, as he still wants more. The chances of cancellation of the deal are more.


The above concerns expressed through questions and answers are prevalent among the homebuyers. Knowledge about them will be able to support your decision.