Amazing Health Benefits of Plum Fruits

Plum Fruits
Fresh ripe blue plums on tree in summer garden

Plums are delicate fruits that grow on trees and are classified in the genus Prunus. A combination of sweet and tangy makes this summer fruit a popular favorite. Plums are in the same family as benefit-rich cherries and peaches, almonds as they are all flowers that create fruit with a groove running down one side and a smooth.

The plant is native to Southwest Asia. Commercial plum trees are medium-sized, normally pruned to 16 feet in height.

What are the Types of Plums Fruits?

Plums are a type of stone fruit that can have an oval or round shape. They can have Black Plums, Purple, red, or yellow-colored skin.

Suppose we divide plums into the basis of region European-Asian plum, Japanese plum, Damson plum. On a commercial basis, Asian plump, European plum & Japanese plum are more vital than Damson plum.

But, if we divide plums based on their forms. We have two primary ways of plums.

  • Fresh Plum

It includes more moisture and has an excellent taste as compared to another category.

  • Dried Plum

They are fruity and juicy plum and uses with other products.

Plums Flavor Combos

Not sure what to match plums with cooking? I always turn to the veg Flavor Bible for flavor combo ideas. Here are a few elements that match well with plums!

  • Ginger
  • Lemon
  • Cinnamon
  • Honey
  • Oranges
  • Sesame
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Other stone fruits like, (cherries, apricots, almonds, nectarines)

Nutrition Information about Plums

Per 1 plum (66 g)

Calories: 30

Carbohydrates: 8 g,

Fiber: 1 g, 4% of your Daily Value (DV)

Protein: 0 g

Fat: 0 g

10% DV of Vitamin C:

5% DV of Vitamin A:

Are plums high in sugar?

Plums are typically high in fruit sugars such as fructose, glucose, and sucrose. As with all fruit, the body treats sugar instantly for energy, but this can be slowed down if eaten with some protein – in the form of nuts and seeds, for example – which helps slow the release of some sugars.

The average plum weighs about 78g and includes around 7.4g sugars, so it isn’t a high-sugar fruit. With all the vitamins and minerals plums contain, there are many reasons to be consuming them when they are in season.

Plums Can Immune System

Plum benefits also include risen vitamin C as the vitamin C content current in fresh and tasty plums can be huge, making this fruit a help for an at-risk immune system.

Patients with decreased immune systems should consider some of the health benefits of plums in their diet. Sufficient intakes of vitamin C shorten the duration of respiratory tract infections and prevent the common cold. It also decreases the risk of pneumonia and malaria.

Lower Cholesterol

Potassium in plums is an important components of the human cell: plums in potassium and vital benefits a healthy heart rate and blood pressure (BP) levels. Plums also include fiber, which helps in reducing cholesterol and reduces the possibility of a heart attack.

Relieves constipation

Plums contain isatin and sorbitol, which help relieve constipation and enhance digestion. It also keeps the bowel healthy. You can have plums or dried plums known as prunes to ease constipation and other digestive problems.

Plums fruits Prevent Osteoporosis problem

Osteoporosis is a bone-related problem when our bone gets weak, fragile, and brittle due to the lack of minerals like vitamin c or vitamin d or aging. As per the researcher, it is found that the consumption of plum regularly can prevent osteoporosis and keep our bones healthy.

Plum is also instrumental in preventing this type of bone loss problem.

Plums are rich in potassium and polyphenols, which are very useful for increasing bone density in our body and keeping our bone more robust and healthier. Apart from this, plums also contain flavonoids such as caffeic acid and rutin, which are also very helpful in keeping our bone health and prevent the danger of pathology.

Rich in antioxidants

Polyphenol antioxidants existing in plums will defend your cells against free radicals and infection. It is suitable for your bone health and protects you against chronic diseases such as diabetes and the heart’s conditions.

Good for People Suffering from Diabetes

Eating plums are very beneficial for diabetes individuals because of the low glycemic index of this plum fruit. Consuming plums helps in the decrease in triglyceride levels and blood glucose in our body. This benefit has been supported by a 2012 study titled “Peaches and Plums Overcome Obesity, Diabetes Risk.”

It’s good for Your Heart Health:

As discussed in the previous point, plums are beneficial for your heart health. The antioxidants in plums help inhibit cholesterol level oxidation, which is a threat to healthy blood vessels and may lead to heart stroke and high cholesterol. That is why plums are so helpful in maintaining a healthy heart, particularly in people with diabetes. Some other medicine like, Tadalista 10 is treat Your Heart problem and as well as Ed problems.

Promote Cognitive Health

Another health benefits of plums are polyphenols, which can reduce brain cholesterol levels and enhance cognitive function. The plums also decrease inflammation in the neurological areas, which in turn improves learning ability. Moreover, the antioxidants present in plums, effecting in managing Alzheimer’s disease.

Is It Safe To Eat Plums During Pregnancy?

Plums and dried plums (prunes) could be useful for pregnant women, as they are rich in potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, and vitamins A and C. However, these fruits’ consumption is associated with the formation of kidney stones and must be avoided by women who have any kidney problems.

Controls weight gain

Despite plum being a fruit, the carbohydrates in the form of fruit sugar are comparatively low. Hence it is an excellent choice for low-calorie food to be added to a pregnancy diet to get the required nutrients but check the weight gain.

Final Thoughts

Thus, plums provide you with various helpful ways, making your body super healthier than ever. They also replete with many excellent nutrients, making it more suitable to be a part of a normal healthy diet.