10 Most Common Foods That Cause Indigestion & How To Get Relief

10 Most Common Foods That Cause Indigestion & How To Get Relief

Have you ever wondered what the purpose of a detox cleanse kit is? Some people use it as a way to relieve indigestion. If you’re struggling with a sour stomach, heartburn or other digestive issues, it may be the solution you need.

What Is Indigestion?

Indigestion is fairly common, but some people experience it more frequently. The most common symptoms are these:

  • Bloating
  • Discomfort
  • Burning
  • Uncomfortable fullness
  • Nausea

Common Indigestion Triggers

In most cases, indigestion is caused by certain foods, which is why an indigestion cleanse can help. However, it can also be triggered by other factors:

  • Medications
  • Exercise
  • Overeating

If none of the above are responsible for your indigestion, the cause is probably your diet. You can test this theory by avoiding the most common food triggers.

1. Whole Milk

Due to its high-fat content, whole milk may cause indigestion. If you notice heartburn after drinking whole milk, you can try switching to 2%, 1% or skim.

2. Coffee

Coffee may cause heartburn for some people, though scientists aren’t sure why. If you don’t regularly eat triggering foods, but you drink coffee every day, that may be the culprit.

3. Carbonated Drinks

You probably aren’t surprised that carbonated drinks are on this list. In addition to making you burp, these beverages can also increase stomach acid and relax the esophageal sphincter.

4. Onions

Onions have several characteristics that make them top causes for indigestion. First, they cause burping due to their fermentable fiber. Second, they can relax the esophageal sphincter. The result is a lot of stomach acid entering your throat.

5. Alcohol

All kinds of alcohol can cause heartburn when consumed excessively. Even moderate consumption can hurt if you’re prone to indigestion. Why is this so? Alcohol has several negative effects on the digestion system:

  • Damages esophagus lining
  • Increases stomach acid
  • Relaxes esophageal sphincter

6. Spicy Foods

Foods with a high level of spice can irritate the esophagus lining, causing a burning sensation. They may also prompt longer digestion, which increases the chance of discomfort.

7. Salt

Scientists aren’t sure why adding salt to your meal increases the chance of indigestion, but studies show a strong correlation. If you eat a lot of salty foods, it may be best to go low-sodium for a while.

8. Citrus Juice

Citrus fruits contain citric acid, which may be responsible for heartburn. Fruits considered citrus include the following:

  • Grapefruits
  • Lemons
  • Oranges
  • Tangerines

9. Chocolate

You may be surprised to learn chocolate is also a trigger. While not necessarily spicy or fatty, it can prompt your body to produce serotonin, which may cause heartburn by relaxing the esophageal sphincter and allowing stomach acid to escape.

10. Fried Foods

Fried foods such as fried chicken and french fries tend to be high in fat, which may trigger indigestion. The body reacts to high-fat foods by relaxing the esophageal sphincter, resulting in a burning sensation in the upper abdomen.

If you want to eat without discomfort, you can give yourself a head start with a detox. It’s fairly easy to learn how to clean digestive tract, and there are even kits to get you started.