Interview Hacks: How To Overcome Interview Rejection?

Interview Rejection

Every candidate has an interview rejection story they can never forget because it affected them intensely. Rejections are a part and parcel of life which none of us are immune to. Of course, it does not feel great to be on the receiving end of an interview rejection when you had already envisioned your place and plans in an organization before the hiring process was over. Getting rejected in an interview repeatedly is bound to affect your psyche as it can be very challenging, especially in tough and competitive times like the year 2020. However, there is more to interview rejection than feeling depressed, incompetent and dejected. You can use this event to turn yourself into a force to be reckoned with once you understand how to improve upon your weaknesses as a professional candidate.

If you have faced interview rejection or fear facing rejection, this blog will help you get a better perspective about it and how you can use it to improve upon yourself. To know more. Stay tuned and read below!

Why are interview rejections necessary?

When a company is hiring for open positions, there are hundreds and thousands of candidates who send their applications in to be given an opportunity. The job that you are eyeing is the “dream job” of thousands of other candidates as well,  but only one or two will be able to get hired, depending upon the number of openings available. When the competition is so intense, as it is in 2020 due to the initial lack but slowly recovering virtual hiring, you will face competition from candidates much more qualified than you. Facing an interview rejection is necessary and inevitable because not all candidates who apply get hired. If you were rejected, it most likely means that you lacked some skills or were not the right fit for the organization. Don’t take it to heart and consider the rejection as redirection.

Tips to overcome interview rejection

Now that you know why rejection is a necessary aspect of everyone’s journey, you will learn to look at the lessons in the setback to make a great comeback. Below are some tips that you can inculcate to overcome interview rejection:


  • Learn to accept failure with grace: Failure is often the start of an incredible journey as it teaches you more about yourself than success ever will. It is important to be grounded in your worth no matter how many rejections or successes come your way, because these are aspects of your life and not your life itself!
  • Ask for feedback and implement it: When you face interview rejection, make sure that you ask the hirers for their feedback about the areas that need improvement. Such information could help you grow exponentially since you will understand what employers look for in their prospective employees.
  • Listen to motivational speakers or read empowering books: Reading books that show you the motivational and practical side of job seeking can act as an eye opener. You can also listen to amazing motivational speakers like Gary Veynerchuk who lead by example and give incredibly practical advice to aspiring candidates.
  • Sharpen your skills and build an impressive profile: USe the feedback and a SWOT analysis to study your areas of weaknesses and strengthen them. This involves working on your technical skills, theoretical knowledge, course credentials and interviewing skills.
  • Try again: Last but not the least, don’t let rejections hold you back from landing an amazing job. If you put in the work and improve upon yourself while making choices more aligned with your career path, you will achieve success as it’s only a matter of time!


We hope that our blog helps you process this little bump in the road to a long and fulfilling career better. It is essential to remember that as candidates, we forget to look at the failures we face as an event, but tend to attach our sense of self to the outcome. The secret to long term success is enjoying every aspect of the journey, which also involves interview rejection. To  help you prepare with your interviewing skills or understand job seeking better, read more blogs from our job seeker blogs. Tough times don’t last, better days are coming.