Eid-ul-Adha Requirements and Their Significance


If you’re preparing for Eid-ul-Adha, you’ll probably be wondering about the requirements for the communal prayers and sacrifice of an animal. First, you should know that you can only perform a sacrifice on a live animal after you have offered the Eid prayer. That’s because the animals you can sacrifice must be adult and herbivores. If you’re not sure how to prepare, read this article.


Quranic verses based on the sacrifice of the ram are very common in Muslim tradition. This practice honors the sacrificing of the son of Ibrahim, Ismail, in obedience to Allah’s command. Performing a Qurbani on Eid-ul-Adha is a common way to mark this holy holiday. Read more to learn more about the significance of this ritual.

When performing the Qurbani, it is important to think about the environment. While performing the rites, many Muslims don’t even consider the impact on the planet. Traditional Qurbani involves packaging the meat in large, sealed plastic bags. Plastic pollutes the environment because a large amount of it ends up in oceans. To avoid these negative effects, it is essential for Qurbani organizations to use biodegradable or recycled plastic when packaging meat for Qurbani.

Communal prayer

In order to celebrate Eid-ul-Adha, Muslim communities across the U.S. must follow federal, state, and local regulations. Listed below are some of those requirements, and their significance.

Observing the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha is an important part of the celebration. For example, Muslims typically dress in their most beautiful garments and purchase new ones especially for the day. Typically, Eid al-Adha begins with communal prayer, during which Muslims gather at their local mosque after sunrise for the special Eid prayer and sermon. Afterward, people exchange small gifts to mark the occasion and wish each other happy Eid-ul-Adha.

Sacrifice of an animal

The ritual of offering sacrifice of an animal is a long-standing tradition in Islam. The Quran states that all parts of an animal are worthy of rewards, and a Muslim carries out this ritual to re-enact the act of obedience of Prophet Ibrahim. The Quran also mentions that the Prophet commanded his followers to sacrifice an animal in order to avenge the disobedient actions of the first Muslims. But, some Muslims are questioning whether animal sacrifice is acceptable in our modern society.

The sacrificial animal should be healthy and free of defects. The animal should spend at least 24 hours in its slaughtering location.

Arafat Day

The Islamic holiday of Eid-ul-Adha begins with the celebration of Arafat Day, which can last up to four days.  The two Eid are not independent institutions, though pkislam.

 Both practices are permissible, and follow the example set by the Holy Prophet. While the Arafat Day of 2022 is likely to fall on a Friday, the day of Eid will likely fall on a Saturday or Sunday.

Meat from Qurbani animals

To ensure halal quality and halal distribution, it is important to follow proper hygiene guidelines while slaughtering a Qurbani animal. Failure to follow these guidelines can lead to food poisoning and spoilage. It is also important to separate the meat by weight and give the skin and offal to poorer people in the community. Qurbani is an opportunity for the poor to receive food from your sacrifices and share it with others.

 It may also have several broken teeth or its horn may have broken midway.  Moreover, you must ensure that the animal was slaughtered humanely by a Muslim. If there is no Muslim present in your community, you can offer your Qurbani animal as an individual.


Muslims across the world prepare for Eid-ul-Adha by reserving hotel rooms as early as possible and buying new clothes. While the actual date of Eid-ul-Adha can vary, the Muslim community’s official calendar indicates that it occurs on the tenth day of the Islamic lunar month, Dhul-Hijjah.Dhul-Hijjah will begin on June 30, 2022. The tenth day of the lunar month is Eid-ul-Adha, so the dates for Eid-ul-Adha are always ten days after the first sighting of the crescent moon.

The date of Eid-ul-Adha depends on the Islamic calendar. In general, the Islamic calendar starts with the sighting of a new moon. In some cases, this is about a week before Eid-ul-Adha, and others refer to it as a day after it. In addition to recognizing the new moon, Muslims also wear a white garment to commemorate the occasion.