Tarot and Timing: How to Predict When Something will Happen

Tarot and Timing How to Predict When Something will Happen

Most tarot reading sources like the OnlineTarotReadings will agree that people have this desire to know their future. This fact is why one of the most common questions in every tarot reading is “when” a particular person, thing, or situation will happen. While every client assumes that predicting their future relies on every tarot card revealed to them, every tarot reader finds it daunting and challenging, no matter how long they are in this field. 

Since one of the challenging aspects of tarot reading is to use the cards to predict a particular timing or an event, there are some techniques tarot readers consider to help them pinpointing when an event will occur. Some of them are the following:

The divinatory meaning of the cards

One of the standards and most natural methods in tarot card prediction is to understand the divinatory meaning of each card and use it to interpret and create a storyline. Here, the forecast will not only focus on answering the “when,” but also the “how” by determining when the event can happen and what may need to occur to let that event happen. 

Another idea is the concept of reversed tarot cards or reading the opposite meaning of the card. While this can sound a not-so-good idea, the concept of this method sometimes is to indicate than an event will never happen unless the client has to make some changes in his life. Moreover, it encourages clients to strive hard and remain positive to achieve their desired outcome. This method creates an assumption that the person is still the maker of his future, having a free will to do what is right or wrong, and his choices and actions can depict his future. Additionally, it can portray the message that a particular event may or may not happen and that it solely depends on the chosen actions of the client; however, the reader must be careful not to trap in assuming that the event can occur as some of the questions dictate.

The power of suits and elements

Besides using the cards’ meaning and its opposite, its suits and respective elements can help identify a more specific time in the tarot readings. Some of these are:

  • Wands- days or spring
  • Swords- Weeks or autumn
  • Cups- months or summer
  • Pentacles- years or winter

For the Pip cards, combine the suit and the number on the card. Meanwhile, for the Court cards, the timing of the event depends on the client, but as a reader, you can still estimate approximate time using the suits. Regardless, like in other tarot techniques, the readers’ gut and instinct is still the best gauge.

The combination of tarot and astrology

When it comes to tarot and astrology, the basic knowledge here is that the Tarot suits can help determine the associated astrological signs. These are:

  • Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius: Suit of Swords (Air)
  • Aries, Leo, Sagittarius: Suit of Wands (Fire)
  • Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces: Suit of Cups (Water)
  • Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn: Suit of Pentacles (Earth)

How to Incorporate Timing to the Tarot Readings

To integrate the above mentioned techniques in reading the tarot cards, consider the following methods:

  1. The tarot reader can include a card that will focus on the “when” as part of the overall tarot reading.
  2. Focus on the entire tarot reading on answering the “when.” It can be determining an annual forecast prediction by drawing one card per month.
  3. Another focused way is using the four-card Tarot spread, which helps to fully understand what needs to happen before a specific event can occur. The desired situation will likely occur when:
  • First card: You realize…
  • Second card: You accept…
  • Third card: You acknowledge…
  • Fourth card: You do…