Do Pet Isopods Bite?

Pet Isopods Bite

Once a purely sea-dwelling crustacean, isopods have evolved to inhabit this earth with quite a few different terrestrial species. Across multiple continents, they happily scuttle in the soil and play an important part in whatever ecosystem they reside in. As cute, useful, land-dwelling critters, isopods have become quite popular among pet enthusiasts. However, if you yourself are thinking about owning a colony of these creatures, it’s important to ask yourself certain questions such as if they bite or can cause any damage. This is especially true if you’re planning to keep them in with other, larger pets as food or cleanup crew. 

Can Any Isopod Bite?

Any animal with a mouth can bite. However, it should also be considered that mouths can be quite different between species. One thing that’s important to remember about isopods is that they’re a diverse group of crustaceans. There can be quite a few differences between species, especially when you’re comparing marine and terrestrial varieties. Marine isopods, for instance, tend to be quite large compared to their land dwelling counterparts, which typically only reach an inch or so. While some sea-dwelling varieties of this crustacean may have the capacity to do some damage, it is unlikely that any of the isopods you purchase as pets will be able to break skin. 

What Isopods Eat

To understand if isopods can have the capacity to bite you and do damage, it’s important to examine what they eat. Isopods are detritivores, which means that they are essentially nature’s garbage cans. Everything from rotten food to animal waste goes into their mouths. Additionally, it is important to consider that they have evolved hard shells for protection rather than investing in powerful mouths or claws. Because of this, they have evolved fairly small, weak mouth parts.

How to Interact With Your Isopod

To avoid stress to your crustacean and any potential annoying nips, you want to be able to handle them properly. When you acquire your isopods for sale, they should come wrapped between the folds of some paper towels set in a plastic container. To place them in their permanent enclosure, gently shake them with the paper towel inside the space you want to release them into. 

When you want to pick up an isopod, start by looking under various objects in its enclosure, such as branches or logs. Gently pick the accessories up, and scoop your isopod into a cup. If you simply wish to interact with your crustacean, you may stick your hand in its enclosure and gently allow it to crawl around your hand. 

Final Thoughts

Isopods can make an excellent addition to any pet collection, or simply as a hobby all on their own. However, it’s natural to want to know if isopods for sale can bite or cause any potential injuries to you or your other animals. Fortunately, we can safely say that these crustaceans are just about the safest pets you can own. With a little bit of preparation, you will be well on your way to raising a happy, healthy colony of perfectly harmless crustaceans.