Ear Pain: What Are The Causes And Its Effects?

Ear Pain: What Are The Causes And Its Effects?

Ear pain can occur due to various problems. These problems can occur inside the ear, such as inner ear, middle ear, or outer ear infection. Ear pain can also occur due to the infection near the ear or due to other external problems. The common outer infection is commonly known as TMJ disorder, sinusitis, or dental infection.

Pain which occurs due to the infection can be sharp, aching, dull. It might also depend on the location and intensity of pain. In some cases, doctors don’t need tests and can diagnose it without laboratory testing. However, in severe and complicated, the doctor might recommend you tests to know the root cause of the infection.

Major causes of ear pain

There are multiple causes of ear pain. The two major types of ear pain is primary and secondary causes.

Primary causes

Pain which occurs due to the ear injury or infection is known as the primary cause for ear pain. Some primary causes include:

Otitis Media

Otitis media is generally middle ear infection. In this condition, fluid and inflamed tissues build up in the middle ear. Along with this, the patient might also feel aching pain and can also experience nasal congestion for several days.

Earwax Blockage

The main purpose of the ear wax is to protect our inner ears from water, bacteria, and injuries. Sometimes, glands in-ear produce too much wax. When you use cotton swabs, this wax is pushed into the ear canal. This can cause blockage in the ear. Due to the blockage of earwax, the patient might experience hearing problems.

Eustachian Tube Blockage

The Eustachian tube is the narrow passage that connects the upper throat with the middle year. This tube drains the excess fluid from ear to upper throat. If due to overflow, allergy, infection, or rapid change in altitude, this tube gets blocked, several symptoms can occur. These symptoms include:

  • Ear pain
  • Hearing loss
  • Dizziness
  • Ear skin problem
  • Ringing in the ear

Secondary causes

In this condition, an individual feels pain in the ear due to the injury or infection in the nearby area of the ear but not in the ear.


This is the condition which refers to the infection or inflammation of sinuses. Sinuses is a hollow space located behind the nose, cheekbone, and lower forehead.

Some symptoms that can occur due to sinusitis are:

  • Fever
  • Tooth Pain
  • Headache
  • Ear pressure
  • Nasal congestion
  • Ear Discharge

Dental problems

Dental problems can also develop pain in the nearby area of the ear. Tooth Pain radiates from gums to ear, and the patient feels like the pain in the ear. Crack tooth, and decay teeth are the dental problems that cause pain the ear. This pain becomes worse if you chew, bite, or eat.

When to see a doctor?

If you experience ear pain, which lasts more than one night, you should seek medical attention. Some other symptoms which can be alarming for many patients are:

  • Swelling
  • Rash
  • Pain when tugging
  • Ringing in ear
  • Ear discharge


To diagnose ear pain, the doctor will do a complete examination. He might also demand the medical history of the patient. After doing some tests, the doctor might choose the best treatment according to the health condition and situation.


Pain reliever

To ease the pain in the ear, the doctor recommends OTC and OPIOIDS. The doctor will prescribe you pain reliever according to the intensity of pain and health condition. You can also buy Tramadol tablets online to ease pain in the ear.

Ear Drops

The doctor can also recommend earwax-softening drops to clean the ear. According to research, the ear drop treatment is the best treatment for the ear.