George Pegios – 5 Types of Hypnosis

George Pegios

There is no one way to hypnotize. We show you the forms that this technique can take.

George pegios Hypnosis is a method that promotes changes in behavior through suggestion. Depending on the definition on which we base ourselves, we can conceptualize hypnosis as a psychological state or as a set of attitudes and mental processes; today the scientific community associates it with expectations or with brain waves.

In this article George pegios talk about the 5 most common types of hypnosis: the traditional method, which is based on direct verbal suggestion, the one developed by Milton Erickson, cognitive-behavioral hypnosis, self-hypnosis and neurolinguistic programming or NLP, which without being exactly one form of hypnosis is largely a part of the ericksonian variant.

George pegios – The 5 most popular types of hypnosis

George Pegios follows. He describes 5 of the best-known techniques among which include the use of hypnosis. Of course, there are many other versions, and there may be professionals or instruments that combine more than one of these methods.

1. Traditional Hypnosis (by suggestion)

The history of traditional hypnosis dates back to Franz Mesmer’s peculiar methods, which involved magnets and became popular in the late 18th century. Later James Braid showed his opposition to the mesmerist hypotheses and proposed that hypnosis was a state of the nervous system, while Pierre Janet attributed it to psychological dissociation.

Traditional hypnosis is based on the induction of a trance state; once the hypnotized person has reached it, they will receive suggestions in verbal format regarding their behavior or their mental content. Thus, the goal of this method is to influence behavior, for example by suggesting that the person give up a negative habit or belief.

2. Ericksonian Hypnosis

This type of hypnosis was developed by Milton H. Erickson, an American psychologist who is considered a pioneer in this field and in psychotherapy in general. This author should not be confused with Erik Erikson, a German evolutionary psychologist known primarily for his 8-stage theory of psychosocial development.

Ericksonian hypnosis is not carried out through direct suggestions, but through metaphors that favor creative and reflective thinking. Due to this, it is attributed a greater effectiveness than classic hypnosis in people refractory to hypnosis, with a low suggestibility or who are skeptical with the procedure.

3. Cognitive-Behavioral Hypnosis

The cognitive-behavioral perspective conceives hypnosis as a set of methods that promote behavioral change through suggestion.

This phenomenon is understood as a consequence of the interaction between factors such as the state of physical relaxation, the use of the imagination or the expectations and beliefs of the person.

Some therapists who adhere to cognitive behavioral counseling use hypnosis techniques to supplement broader interventions.

4. Self-Hypnosis

We speak of self-hypnosis when a person induces himself this state through autosuggestion. Instruments that serve as supports are often used; The most common are recordings in sound format, although there are also devices that alter brain waves to modify the level of consciousness.

This type of hypnosis is mainly applied in daily difficulties that are not particularly serious.

5. Neurolinguistic Programming (PNL)

Although we cannot say that it is strictly a type of hypnosis, neurolinguistic programming (often referred to as “NLP”) is closely related to these methods. This technique created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder uses “thought models” to improve psychological skills.