What are Air Gapped Systems? 10 Best Practices for Get Most Out of it?

Air Gapped Systems

Have you ever heard of an air gapped system? Do you know how to use one? If not, don’t worry – this blog post is here to help. An air gap is a security measure used in computers and computer networks to isolate systems or networks from unsecured external networks. In this blog post, we’ll discuss what air gapped systems are, why they’re important, how does they work What are their benefits? and 10 best practices for getting the most out of them. Stay safe!

What is Air Gapped System?

An air gapped system is a computer or network that is isolated from unsecured external networks. The term “air gap” comes from the fact that these systems are physically isolated from the Internet or other unsecured networks by an air gap – usually a physical barrier such as a wall or fence. Air gapped systems are used in cases where the highest level of security is required, such as in military or government systems.

How Air Gapped System Work?

Air gapped systems work by physically isolating the system from unsecured networks. This is usually done by creating a physical barrier between the system and the outside world, such as a wall or fence. The system may also be isolated by disconnecting it from the network entirely and/or using security measures such as firewalls and encryption.

Why Use Air Gapped Systems?

Air gapped systems are used in cases where the highest level of security is required. This is because they are much more difficult to hack than systems that are connected to the Internet or other unsecured networks. Air gapped systems are often used by military, government, and financial organizations to protect sensitive data.

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What are the Benefits of Air Gapped Systems?

There are several benefits of using air gapped systems:

1. Improved Security:

since these systems are physically isolated from unsecured networks, they are much more difficult to hack. This makes them ideal for storing and processing sensitive data.

2. Reduced Complexity:

air gapped systems are less complex than systems that are connected to the Internet or other networks. This reduced complexity can lead to improved performance and stability.

3. Greater Reliability:

since air gapped systems are not connected to the Internet or other networks, they are not subject to outages or disruptions caused by network problems.

4. Easier to Manage:

air gapped systems are easier to manage since there is no need to worry about securing the system from outside threats.

Types of Air Gapped System

There are two main types of air gapped system:

1. Completely Isolated Systems:

these systems are not connected to any networks, making them the most secure type of air gapped system.

2. Partially Isolated Systems:

these systems are connected to a secure network, but they are still isolated from unsecured networks.

10 Best Practices for Getting the Most Out of Air Gapped Systems

1. Use Physical Barriers:

one of the best ways to secure an air gapped system is to use physical barriers such as walls or fences. This will help to prevent unauthorized access to the system.

2. Disconnect from The Network:

disconnecting the system from the network will further reduce the risk of unauthorized access

3. Use Firewalls and Encryption:

using firewalls and encryption will help to protect the system from hackers.

4. Keep The System Up-To-Date:

keeping the system up-to-date with the latest security patches will help to prevent vulnerabilities.

5. Monitor The System:

monitoring the system for suspicious activity will help to detect attacks.

6. Train Employees:

training employees on security procedures will help to reduce the risk of human error.

7. Implement Policies and Procedures:

implementing policies and procedures will help to ensure that the system is used correctly.

8. Perform Regular Backups:

performing regular backups will help to ensure that data is not lost in the event of an attack.

9. Invest in Security:

investing in security measures such as firewalls and encryption will help to protect the system.

10. Plan for Disasters:

planning for disasters such as power outages will help to ensure that the system is not interrupted.

Security Measures of Air Gapped System

  1. Use physical barriers:
  2. Disconnect from the network:
  3. Use firewalls and encryption:
  4. Keep the system up-to-date:
  5. Monitor the system:
  6. Train employees:
  7. Implement policies and procedures:
  8. Perform
  9. Invest in security:
  10. Plan for disasters:

Air gapped systems are used in cases where the highest level of security is required. This is because they are much more difficult to hack than systems that are connected to the Internet or other unsecured networks. Air gapped systems are often used by military, government, and financial organizations to protect sensitive data.


Air gapped systems offer a high level of security, but they are also more difficult to hack. These systems are often used by military, government, and financial organizations to protect sensitive data. There are several benefits of using air gapped systems, such as improved security, reduced complexity, and greater reliability. We hope this article has been helpful in explaining what air gapped systems are and how they can be used to improve security. Thanks for reading!


1. What is an air gapped system?

An air gapped system is a computer or network that is isolated from unsecured networks, such as the Internet.

2. What are the benefits of using an air gapped system?

There are several benefits of using air gapped systems, such as improved security, reduced complexity, and greater reliability.

3. What are the two types of air gapped system?

The two types of air gapped system are completely isolated systems and partially isolated systems.

4. How can I secure an air gapped system?

One of the best ways to secure an air gapped system is to use physical barriers, such as walls or fences. Additionally, disconnecting the system from the network and using firewalls and encryption will help to protect the system.

5. How often should I backup an air gapped system?

It is recommended that you perform regular backups of an air gapped system to ensure that data is not lost in the event of an attack.

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