5 Things to Expect in the Future of Graphic Design


The graphic design industry has undergone massive changes over the past few years. You must keep up with the latest trends to remain competitive. Whether you’re just starting a corporate career or establishing a design firm, you must be up-to-date with the changes that are happening in the industry.

It is exciting for many in the graphic design industry to see the changes taking place that will shape the future. Below are some of the top trends that you need to watch for.

1. More Remote Workers

When you first start working in the industry, you are eager to prove yourself. Unfortunately, working for a corporation can be challenging as they have strict guidelines and standards that you need to follow. They also don’t want to see you deviate too far from what they already know works. They want you to stick to their way of thinking.

Future of Graphic Design

Due to the increasing acceptance of remote work, many companies around the world have started to allow employees to work from home. This allows them to complete work from their laptops or workstations. While they are still bound by the company’s guidelines, they can still save on travel expenses. This trend has become easier to do because of the many easy-to-use digital drawing software options from companies like Canvas.

2. Millennials are Becoming More Intrigued by Freelancing

The average salary for a graphic designer is around $48,700 per year. However, when most start, their salary is lower than that. Because of this, many have to take on additional side gigs to earn money.

The more people start working for themselves, the more they want to stick with it. However, some risks come with this type of work. For instance, if your income goes down, will your 401K and insurance stay the same?

According to the statistics of the graphic design industry in the U.S., almost 25% of the employees are self-employed. This figure is expected to rise due to the increasing number of millennials who are choosing to work for themselves.

Before you start working for yourself, you must have some experience in the industry. In addition to being able to work independently, you also need to have the necessary management skills to run a successful business.

3. Experience is More Important Than Ever

Although the flat design was once a dominant style in the industry, it is starting to lose its popularity due to the increasing number of three-dimensional and experiential graphics.

Imagine using every part of a shopping mall for graphics. One of the most common ways that a shopping mall can be transformed is through the use of visual property. This can include the addition of various elements such as water fountains, ceilings, floor signage, and wall signs.

4. Mobile Becomes More Important

The concept of mobile responsiveness has been around for a while now. Due to the increasing number of people using smartphones, the number of people who can access the internet has also increased.

As a graphic designer, you can access your work on the go more than ever before, whether it’s through your phone or web browser. You can also respond to a client’s question or check the status of a project on your team boards.

Compared to a few years ago, the amount of times graphic designers use their mobile phones for work has increased significantly. Due to this, it is expected that mobile access becomes increasingly vital for the future of graphic design.

5. Artificial Intelligence Starts to Play a Major Role

With the increasing number of tools at our fingertips, it’s now easier than ever before to analyze data to determine which elements are most effective in a design. This allows graphic designers to make changes to a design to improve its effectiveness.

As a result, designers are expected to spend less time on creative projects and more time on figuring out which features can help increase website traffic and convert potential customers into buyers. This trend is expected to continue through the next decade.

Final Thoughts

Despite the changes that have occurred in the industry over the past few years, the graphic design world is still constantly changing. To keep up with the latest trends, you should study the work of other prominent designers who have found success in the industry.