Track Employees Projects Remotely With Tracking App

Track Employees Projects Remotely With Tracking App

Working from home has become a trend due to the pandemic. This means that business owners are forced to continue their business online as they cannot have employees working in the office like before. Before this, it was the busiest peak of the year as new projects and new semesters were going to start but pandemic closed down all the offices and universities leaving the projects unfinished. 

So, how can employers track the progress of all these projects? How can an employer overlook the employees remotely? How can deadlines be achieved without any face-to-face contact between employers and employees? Well, you don’t have to worry anymore as OgyMogy understands your needs better and is here with a set of smart unique features for your problems. 

It is smart surveillance software that lets you monitor your employees remotely. Yes, you read the correct word “remotely” as it provides the remote access of all the devices of your employees whether it is windows, iPhone, android, or Mac. It also provides several other features like screen recording, camera recording, microphone recording, chats history, calls history, browsing history and so much more. All these features are designed for special purposes like if you want to see your projects progress, you can use the screen recording and if you are suspicious about the communication of your employees, you can listen to all their calls respectively. 

For tracking the progress of the ongoing projects, employers can install this software on the personal devices of employees and can remotely access them. For this, the following set of iPhone tracking app can be used.

Camera Bugging

The smart attendance system is being used by most of the companies. It keeps the record of absentees of employees but with the working from home situation, employers cannot know whether their employees are actually working on the projects or are just online watching their movies and stuff. Employers cannot exactly know whether their employees were working the whole time and were not relaxing etc. 

Working from home is difficult but a proper environment can ensure the productivity of employees and it becomes the duty of employers to see whether their employees are working in a proper environment, etc. So what to do here when you don’t have any kind of control over your employees? So, no worries as you can use OgyMogy; the best surveillance application that provides you the remote access to all the personal devices of your employees.

 It provides this amazing feature where employers can bug the cameras of all the devices that their employees use. It can inform them about the employees like what they are doing and are they working on their projects etc. It works in this way that it is accessed remotely and it records a video of the employees. It then sends you the video all ready for the inspection.

Remote Screen Recording

You are asked by your clients about their projects and you then ask the employees about them and they are like it’s almost completed and this keeps going on. Then, you notice that your employee is online during the working hours but his working progress doesn’t show accurate performance. It’s all right for you to be confused and perplexed but well if you want to make things turn a different side, Employer can track your employees using secret spy apps

It will prove to be your best partner as its gadget kit is surely full and fun. The first service provided by it is screen recording. If you are having all the above problems and you want to see what’s wrong on the other side then you can remotely record the computers screens of your employees and well everything can be in your own hands as you can go through their searches, their projects folders, their browsing history, their emails and so much more. This can make things clear as you can track the progress of your employees on the ongoing projects and can monitor their working schedule too.

So, if you are also an employer who is looking for a smart solution to monitor his employees then you are in the right spot as OgyMogy is the best affordable solution for you.