How to Get Your Product Ranked Number One using Amazon SEO

Amazon SEO

In the past, consumers searched Google when they wanted to buy an item. Meanwhile, there are other, far more efficient ways to get the products you want. In addition to the dominant search engine with the colorful letters, Amazon has developed into a very own, focused on the potential customer search engine. You can use it to find a product much faster than with the “mother of all search engines”. Even online shop operators can use Amazon instead of Google to attract buyers.

If you want to sell a product on Amazon, you need above all a good ranking in the search results of the online retailer. So it’s about the question of how you present your product so that it is classified by Amazon as relevant and therefore prominently placed. Amazon SEO can help you to promote your product so that you are at the top of Amazon’s ranking. This can be called Amazon as a kind of Google search in the products.

Amazon SEO

It has been proven that a majority of customers buy Amazon products that are presented to them on the first two pages of Amazon’s search results. All the products behind it are becoming increasingly uninteresting and achieving significantly lower sales rates. On the one hand, this is because the motivation of customers has dropped significantly, to look at more than two pages.

On the other hand, Amazon has developed into a company that customers trust very much. In the opinion of customers, products that put Amazon in the front rank must be those that are worth buying. Meanwhile, Amazon SEO has become a completely separate discipline with which you as an operator of an online store definitely should deal.

There are a few differences to the classic form of search engine optimization, but if you are familiar with traditional SEO, you have an advantage in marketing. The differences between the two forms are the following:

  • Amazon is a pure search engine
  • Amazon uses a ranking algorithm
  • Amazon attaches greater importance to the conversion rate
  • Amazon works with on-page optimization with limitations
  • Amazon considers customer reviews when ranking
  • Amazon has few tools for optimization

Despite all differences, Google and Amazon, of course, are in a very close search-engineered relationship and “fertilize” each other. Both offer both organically generated and paid entries. A shared strategy is external links. In terms of ranking, they may have little impact on Amazon, but they may have a positive impact on your product’s Google ranking.

For example, to better position your products on Amazon, you can optimize the product pages using Onpage SEO. How this works is explained in the following section.

What is the best possible Amazon optimization?

Do you want to significantly increase your traffic and, above all, your revenue using Amazon Optimization? Then, first, think of some of the reasons why your revenue is suboptimal and how it could be improved.

This is necessary because many merchants offer great products on Amazon, but generate little traffic (visitors) and even less revenue. Why this is so, it is necessary to fathom and then turn off. In the first step, it’s important to define your preferred audience. You can answer the following questions:

  • Which people buy my product (age, gender, background, education level)?
  • How does the customer proceed in the search?
  • Are known or popular products available? If yes, where?
  • Are there any other items purchased in connection with my product (eg accessories)?
  • Does my product have certain unique selling points (special features)?

If you know exactly who your audience is or should be, how it is ticking, and how it works in the search for a product, you’ll find the keywords that are more relevant to customers looking for a product. The right keywords are the nuts and bolts of Amazon Optimization and your greater success.

Once you’ve found the key keywords, it’s about placing them in the right places. There are different ways. You can include them in the product title, related keywords, bullet points, or product description.

The product title has the greatest relevance for the installation of the most important keywords, Here it is not important if the keyword is directly in the first place. The main thing is that it happens there! Incidentally, the length of the title also plays a major role on Amazon.

Some experts believe that the product title should never exceed 200 characters, while others may specify a number from 80 to 100 characters as the optimal length for the product title. However, caution is advised. Amazon does not want an “over-optimized” title and has threatened with a downgrade in the ranking.

This means your products will not be visible as soon as others. So it can be a challenge to design a product title with the most important keywords that can be read and understood by the customers.

The second most important item for your keywords on Amazon is the five bullet points below the price. They once again form a summary of what constitutes the product. At this point, meaningfully accommodating the key keywords may be the final and crucial argument for the potential buyer to click on the “Add to Cart” button placed in close proximity. If you find a good solution here and can put in as well-formulated keywords or even short sentences, this usually helps you to a better ranking on Amazon.

In the areas related keywords with space for 5 x 1000 characters and in the article description for a maximum of 2000 characters, you should also include important keywords. The larger number of characters you can work well in these two areas with so-called long-tail keyword combinations. These are very specific keywords that are not searched very often but can attract customers to your pages looking for specific products. Although the priority of the keywords in these areas is not as high for the Amazon search algorithm as for the keywords in the title and bullet points, they can nevertheless contribute to an improved ranking.

How does Amazon Onpage SEO work?

To influence the ranking positively, you can use the so-called Amazon MPO (Marketplace Optimization), as Onpage-SEO is also called. By optimizing certain areas, you can ensure a much higher ranking. These optimizable areas include:

  • Title of the product
  • brand
  • Categorization
  • Searches
  • product attributes
  • Product pictures
  • Product description
  • Base factors of the dealer (eg shipping method, payable, dealer ratings).

By optimizing these areas, you can achieve what Amazon is primarily interested in, namely customer satisfaction and, above all, increasing sales. The goal of every optimization measure must, therefore, be to assert oneself in Amazon’s ranking algorithm.

The search and ranking algorithm of Amazon

On Amazon, there are now more than 30,000 categories in which the products are sorted. On the one hand, Amazon uses a special ranking algorithm and thus it’s own search algorithm so that customers can get to the goods as quickly as possible. This is of course constantly updated and changed. Actually, these two algorithms belong together, but with a view to better understanding, they can also be considered separately.

What the ranking algorithm takes into account

In order to show the customer only the most relevant product pages, the so-called Amazon ranking algorithm A9 was developed, which ensures that the most interesting products are at the top. Of course, Amazon does not reveal how this algorithm works in detail.

But it can be seen that, for example, the keyword fields or the general keywords are processed again and again. Here Amazon has the ability to juggle the number of characters to make them more visible.

A value also taken into account by the Amazon ranking algorithm is the conversion rate, which is the ratio between the number of website visitors and the number of transactions, where conversion does not necessarily have to be a purchase. The higher this conversion rate is, the higher the ranking algorithm classifies the product page.

For the ranking, it also plays a role, whether you as a dealer are part of Amazon Prime, for example by the use of FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon). So if you put your products in an Amazon warehouse, have them sent from there, and alert the customers on your page, you’ll get a higher ranking. The reason for this is that prime customers seldom make price comparisons and almost never move outside the prime segment and rate your prime trader rating as an argument for a buy.


If you run an online shop and you want to sell your products on Amazon, then you can not get past the topic of Amazon SEO. Because only with an optimized product page you have a real chance to land in the Amazon ranking at the top of the search results and generate more revenue in this way.

Many things you already know from Google, because ultimately a search on Amazon is nothing more than a search on Google – only much more specific, that is geared towards potential buyers.

Amazon SEO helps you to optimize your product pages for keywords so that they are much better found by customers. By using and correctly placing the most important buzz words, you’ll see Amazon’s ranking algorithm rank you higher and push you to the top of search results.

If you have made it to one of the top spots by optimizing, you will see an increase in visitor numbers and sales. For customers, only the above products are interesting and are increasingly being bought.

However, you can not rest on this success. Too often, the algorithm of Amazon is changed and too many new products appear every day. Here, it’s important for you to keep an eye on your product pages and look for new ways to improve them using Amazon SEO.

Always remember that it is not the traffic alone that determines how far ahead you are when ranking on Amazon, but above all the conversion rate and the sales figures. Keep an eye on your target audience, ask yourself how and with what keywords they are looking for something and integrate them into your Amazon shop.