Tooth Pain: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Tooth Pain: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Tooth pain usually happens when nerves in the root of a tooth or surrounding a tooth are irritated. Tooth infection, decay or loss of a tooth is the most common causes of dental pain. Pain may also occur after the extraction of a tooth. Sometimes, pain can radiate to the jaw and feels like a pain in the tooth. One of the most common areas includes the jaw joint, ear pain, sinuses, and heart problems.

The growth of bacteria inside your mouth can contribute to gum disease, and dental decay can cause pain. You can prevent the majority of dental problems by flossing, brushing with fluoride toothpaste and having your teeth professionally twice a year.

Toothache Causes

This condition usually occurs from inflammation of the central portion of the tooth known as pulp. These pulps have nerve endings that are very sensitive to pain. Swelling to the pulp may be caused by trauma, infection and dental cavities. Furthermore, the pain causes in a tooth may include:

  • Tooth Damage – Damage to the teeth is a common cause of pain in teeth
  • Tooth Decay – One of the most common causes of tooth pain
  • Gum Disease – The symptoms of gum disease mostly include redness and swelling of the gums, but these symptoms can contribute to the tooth pain as well.

Symptoms of Toothache

Pain in tooth and jaw are common complaints these days. There may be severe pain to pressure or too hot or cold stimuli. The pain may remain more than fifteen seconds after the stimulus is removed.

As the inflammation increases, the pain becomes worse. This pain may also radiate to the ear, cheek, or the jaw.

Some common signs include:

  • Pain with chewing
  • Injury or trauma to the area
  • Swelling around a tooth
  • Swelling around the jaws
  • Hot or cold sensitivity

These symptoms may sometimes link with dental decay, tooth fracture, or gum disease. If you tap an infected tooth, it may cause more intense pain.

You need to differentiate from other sources of pain in the face. Ear, sinusitis, or throat pain or TMJ may feel like a pain in the tooth.

To get the pinpoint the location of the pain or to get relief, call your dentist or doctor.

When to consult your doctor for a toothache

You should immediately call your doctor about toothache when:

  • Use of Over-the-counter drugs
  • Pain is associated with swelling of the gums or face, or you have discharge around the tooth, fever with pain is also a vital sign of infection in dental disease.

Pain is present at the angle of the jaw; this means you feel pain every time you open your mouth.

You can use pain killers to reduce the sensation of the pain. So you can buy pain tablets online, you need to know that this is not the complete treatment of toothache, this option will only reduce your pain or minimize it. After this, you should quickly consult your doctor. If this pain remains untreated, it can cause serious effects.